Founded in 1980, CEI has offered professional instructors for over 40 years. So, let CEI come to your rescue by providing the expert training staff to fulfill your training and / or mentoring needs.
Our trainers spend ~50% of their time training and ~50% of their time consulting, So we can teach what we have done, not simply what we have read!
-Nutanix Certified Instructors (NCI)
The Corder Company was founded in 1980. That's 45 plus years in UNIX and over 19 in VMware, 10+ years in Nutanix.
Comments come from VMware's MyLearn and other vendor's evaluation pages.
I taught my first professional UNIX Shell programming class while in high school to AT&T Bell Laboratories. I have been teaching / consulting ever since.
There is no greater reward than seeing the excitement of that proverbial instant when the light bulb goes on inside their head, that AhHa moment...
As an Instructor not only do you engage the student threw your verbal interaction but you must ignite their intellectual passion if you are to keep them engaged.
I have 30 years as a Professional Technical Instructor with 20 of those years as a Sr. Technical Instructor. I am currently a Staff Techncial Instructor for Nutanix University. I held my VMware Certified Instructor (VCI) from 11/2003 until 8/2022. I currently hold a Nutanix Certfied Instructor (NCI) since 2014.
I started my career by being invited in to AT&T / Bell Laboratories’ Computer Information Science youth mentor program. I founded a Computer Information Science youth mentor program for high school and college age students from 1994 - 2004, as a way to pay forward. I had to close it when my traveling for VMware began to consume my time.
I’ve written many Course Guide / Books, Lab Guides, and corresponding lecture material for companies including, but not limited to: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Sun Microsystems, IBM, Nutanix, Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation and Identification, VMware, Nutanix.
I’m proficient in both in person and online training (zoom/webex). Though I enjoy online training, I miss the in person, personal interaction, with the students.
You should never consider yourself simply teaching a class. When teaching, you have to remember you are empowering their career. Therefore, impacting their livelihood.
Member of the development team that wrote the Nutanix Certification: 2018 - (NCAP) 5.5 Certification Exam. 2019 - (NCP & NCAP) 5.10 Certification Exam. 2020 - (NCP-MCI & NCM-MCI) 5.15 Certification Exam. 2021 - (NCA, NCP-MCI & NCM-MCI) 5.20 Certification Exam. 2022 - (NCA, NCP-MCI & NCM-MCI) 6 Certification Exam.